sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Take me somewhere new

What can you do when there's no way to go? When anything seems make sense, and fight doesn'r worth. Or even worst, when there's nothing to fight for. Because there's anything to lose, but neither anything to win. When you can't find your dreams, or it's better to keep them, because your legs are tired to run after them. 
Really, in that moments theres no much to do. You can accept it or... well, maybe you can do something. You can wake up morning by morning, look youself at the mirror and convince yourself you won't let the world eat you, at least without have bitten her before. And you can go out and walk, even without any destiny. Without looking backwards. Taking the risk of the unknown. No fears about what you're going to find, because you know it will be better than the absence you left behind. And if you find someone who fill that gap, don't let him go away. Because you'll never know if you'll find him again. And today I'm going to somewhere. Far of this. Close to you.
¿Won't you take me by the hand and take me somewhere new? I don't know who  you are but I'm with you.


Dreaming awake

Don't let go of my hand, we will not crash. We'll float in space, lost in the clouds. Let's live a dream, to be who wewant to be. To forget our name, our past and our words. Let's forget the people. A live counter.
But I will remember every one of your glances fleeting, your caresses and your hugs. I will get lost in your silences. I will cling to you, to bring down not far from me. I do not know when it will end. Because this may last as long as a lunar night. But the end ... You know what? No matter the end.
Because there is no need to step on the floor or sleep to dream.


Our Dirty Little Secret

What I look like? The Wirzard of Oz? What do you want, my head or my heart? So go, take it, take everything I have. Anyway, they are already yours. You have already take everything I have. You have left me only with a full of birds head and a heart drunk of your words. You got everything I have at the same moment we started this stupid game. Because even being so different, I can understand all of the reasons that make us not to be anything more than this, even if it hurts me. 
But still, I'm going to follow you in each of them, without stopping even to think. Because I love you and I want to continue drinking from the words that make me believe you love me too. Although I am convinced that if any of us say it, all this magic that exists between you and me will disappear like dreams upon awakening. So I prefer to keep walking through this huge yellow brick road. Without head, heart or value as in that story, but being by your side. Although we are something that has no name, because really we needn't.We are we, and that's enough.